Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Green Eyed Monster Emerges

Dear Charlemagne,

All my life, I have always been afraid of disappointing people so I
grew up being the "model" everything. Model daughter, model older
sister, model student, etc. Throughout my life, I gave up what I
wanted to please others-especially my family. I am now 30, married,
happily living in LA, have a career in music, and am doing
everything I ever wanted. However, lately I've noticed that I'm
always angry. I lose my temper at the stupidest things and hurt those
around me when I have my "freak out" sessions. It's almost like I'm
the opposite of what I used to be. I'm sometimes down right rude
(strangers have told me this). It's almost like I'm overcompensating
for all the years that I was a people-pleaser and now I do whatever I
feel like doing with reckless abandon. What's wrong with me? To be
completely honest, sometimes, I feel no remorse for being rude and
saying whatever I want. I am slowly becoming the quintessential "LA
bitch." I guess my question is: who is the real me? How do I stop
myself from becoming the Incredible Hulk and freaking out? Thanks in


The Green Monster

Maybe you have a bit of Sadist inside you? It is not a bad thing. I
readily admit I have a tinge of Marquis de Sade inside me, and I like
pushing people on crowded trains. I don't randomly push, I do it to
get in ... but I still like it. Maybe you just need to "own it": be the bitch
if you need to. You'll be more respected if you own up to being Regina
George than acting like Lindsay Lohan who grew up in Africa with all
the little birdies and the little monkies. Your letter makes me feel as
though you regret having this side to yourself. Maybe you just need a
nice vacation to Vermont, with no email or cell phones, and time to
unwind in a way you can't in the urban jungle. That or take a nice
fitness boxing class where you can ogle the hot, stinky mens teaching and
willfully pound away like a madwoman!

Have a burning question for Charlemagne? Send it to!

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